Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Interrupted Post...I at least tried

Well I would love to say that we are settled...that all "things" have a special box, spot, shelf, etc... But the truth is, things are still in boxes, there are no pictures hung on the walls yet, things still needed painted and repainted. We are however living in our hew home. I love our home. I love how it stays cool, how the dogs have a place of their own, I love the pool, I love that we have made this ours and the resemblance of how it once was is fading.

The move was was our most chaotic move yet, and let me remind you that we have moved a total of 5 times. We had things properly labeled, and properly packed during those other, uneventful moves, but of course for this huge, momentous occasion we had somewhat of chaos. We were throwing things in garbage bags, and items got broke, but we weathered the storm with the help of some fabulous people.

I had to pause because this is where I heard/found little "getting-in-to-everything" Veda....

Yes...she is about to eat dog food.

And, now amongst the chaos of trying to get organized, Bradley has decided to rip up the yard to get it prepared for new fresh grass. He has trimmed trees and bushes...the yard looks like a tornado went through it, but it will soon be lush green grass. Bradley has been terrific as my handy man...I really think he could fix anything. I love having a man like that is very helpful and decreases the stress somewhat:)

***This is where I cut my "blog time" short and said I would get to it later. However, later came and the blog was not a top this is what you get.***